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Gyumri park facilities

Competition Proposal for the Gyumri Recreational Park Facilities


PARK BENCH_We imagined to compose the weft of a carpet using basic geometries and patterns of Armenian tradition: triangular elements with the three sides dim. 60 cm and high 45 cm – made in Armenian tuff of different colors yellow, gray, brown and black with a termo wooden seat – are freely composed to form a tridimensional “carpet” with infinite possible different shapes.  The singular or composed elements of the bench are able to be placed freely on any type of surface, they are comfortable for all users, they are made in natural eco – friendly materials (natural stone and termowood) durable and not complicate to maintain.


MARKETPLACE PAVILION_Carpets,  sheets, fabrics, colors, smells and sounds: we wanted to provide an organized frame to the fabulous world of the marketplace. The multifunctional market pavilion is thought starting from a modular element that it could aggregate.

The concept presents the market unit dim. 2.50 m X 2.50 m high 3.00 m, made by n. 4 upside down Y  form metal elements cover by a velarium to shade,  a polycarbonate panel and a metal grid  on the top. With this basic element is possible to compose a permanent flexible system set up a modular grid with n. 6 line of fixed supports every 2.50 m, formed by upside down Y form  metal elements that are bringing the gutters for the disposal of the water. These lines are interspersed by n. 7 lines made by the same metal elements but in this case movable to form different configurations. The modular grid of the elements is set up over a wooden round platform of the diameter of 40 m. Depending on the seasonal conditions, the units assembled in various way, can be facing outwards or introverted inwards. With this system is also possible to get a  cover surface of 775 mq, that it could be used not only for market but also for exhibition, events, or as workplace for a master artists.


GARDENING SCHOOL PAVILION_We imagined a simple wooden structure, long about 26.00 m, large aprox. 5.00 m and high 5.50 m made of thirteen wooden portals, formed with paired structure 10 x 10 cm in lamellar wood,  that are carrying two sloping facades that simulate a kind of pitch roof not approached at the ridge. The Pavilion is placed along the path that constitutes the limit of the Gyumri park, the entrance at the Pavilion is facing south through the park. A continuous skylight placed at the top provide natural zenithal lighting to all the Pavilion. The main hall, the central core of the building,  is the transformable space of the pavilion for lecture, workshop and other collective activities, it measure 50.00 sqm; the information point and the seeds store are belonging to this space. The main hall could be divided in two parts by sliding paneling or left whole. The central space, as well as from the zenithal skylight, is also illuminated through a huge sliding window that could be open during warmer months to relate the inside with the outside garden, so that events could be held simultaneously in the hall and on the outside ground.Concept

IDEA Foundation

project: 2020

Matteo Sirinati
Gabriele Martella
Gianluca Marin