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Law court in Trento

competition for the new Law Court in Trento


The new law court: an integrated system between institutional function and city. The intervention pro-posed interprets the will of the Provincial Administration to redefine the civic equipment of the law court transforming a portion of the modern city, one that has seen, from the nineteenth century, the settling of civilian equipment inside – and then placing the central theme of the relationship between contemporary design and historic city. The project want to take and interpret the natural and geographical dimension of the city of Trento, determinant of its urban quality equal than its history. The new open space intentionally generated by the project becomes part of the system of trails and open spaces collective that gathers Piazza Duomo, Piazza Fiera, the twentieth-century Piazza Dante, Piazza Venezia and the Park of St. Clare in which is found the system civic, religious and administrative of the city. If the historic building presents itself high above the ground on a stand, with the measured elements of opening to the outside, easily controllable, the new building is rather detached from the artificial soil on which it is imposed – that is articulated on a perfectly horizontal plane and separated on three sides by the city through a slot 2.50 m wide. This provision totally free the ground floor of the whole lot – from the inner courtyard of the building to the new public square in Via Acqui Brigade front – allowing a continuous visual control of the entire area. In this way, the separation of the building from the edges allows you to separate the institu-tion from the neighborhood, without the use of high walls and thus allowing citizens to freely observe the life that takes place inside. The design of the new law court plans to follow the direction of the call, placing the Court of Appeal and the Attorney General’s Office in the historical building, thus to empha-size the highly representative of these two functions. The new building houses inside the main functions of the Ordinary Court, the Prosecutor’s Office, the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office of Children, Justice of the Peace, of the Probate Court, the Bar Association and the Commissariat for Civic Uses organized in three planes according to need recognition and accessibility of the individual functions.

provincial administration of Trento

dimension: 67.211 mq
project: 2005

Paulo Mendes da Rocha, Maura Manzelle (c), Stefano Rocchetto, A.Lazzaroni, F.Gadotti

> PDF — details sheet